Author: admin8520

In recent months, customers of the smart card industry have raised the question, whether smart cards and smart card based products (e.g. SIM cards, payment cards, electronic passports, electronic ID cards, health insurance cards) would fall under the scope of the WEEE Directives. The industry...

In recent months, customers of the smart card industry have raised the question, whether smart cards and smart card based products (e.g. SIM cards, payment cards, electronic passports, electronic ID cards, health insurance cards) would fall under the scope of the WEEE Directives. The industry...

On 5 December, the European Cyber Security Organization (ECSO) Board unanimously approved the Security Certification Meta-framework for the single European IoT-market and the digital transformation in Europe. This framework was prepared by the ECSO Working Group 1 (WG1). “This vote confirms the excellent work realised by...

Radio Equipment Directive (RED) 2014/53/EU impacts the way in which the RFID products are placed on the European market. Eurosmart issued on 6th November a position paper to present its understanding of the Directive. Besides, in order to clarify the scope of the directive, Eurosmart...