Position Papers

No Wallet Security and Privacy Without Certified Secure Hardware Eurosmart welcomes the European Commission’s decision to allow the ecosystem to provide feedback on the eIDAS implementing acts. Given the complexity and technical nature of the digital identity topic, consultation period would have deserved an extended period. Considering...

Eurosmart's feedback on Evaluation of Regulation (EU) No 1025/2012 - European Standardisation Eurosmart, the leading association representing the digital security industry in Europe, welcomes the initiative based on the update of the European Standardisation Strategy to evaluate the Regulation (EU) No 1025/2012, especially in the light...

The emergence of quantum technologies offers tremendous potential for scientific advancements, but it also poses a significant threat to global information infrastructure. Public-key cryptography, which is widely used today, relies on mathematical problems that are currently considered difficult to solve with existing and foreseeable computational...

Comments on the European Parliament negotiating position and, on the Council General Approach Eurosmart welcomes the recent achievements of the co-legislators on the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) to provide more consistency with the already existing EU cybersecurity regulatory landscape. Download the complete list of comments [pdf] As an...

The regulation proposal of the European Parliament and of the Council on horizontal cybersecurity requirements for products with digital elements is a very important step towards a cyber-resilient European Digital Society. The introduction of essential cyber security requirements, reporting and patching obligations to cyber incidents...

Contribution to the call for evidence for regulation 2023/1025 The European Harmonised Standards (hEN) have been demonstrated to effectively ease the burden on lawmakers and encourage a pragmatic and technical approach to regulation, ultimately fostering an environment conducive to interoperability, safety, and innovation. The legal model,...

Eurosmart welcomes the recent ITRE draft report and IMCO draft opinion on the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) and in particular the work achieved by MEPs Nicolas Danti and Morten Løkkegaard to provide more consistency with the already existing EU cybersecurity regulatory landscape. Download Eurosmart's commenting table As...