Eurosmart welcomes new members
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Eurosmart is extending its presence and vision in global Smart Security by issuing this new report on Smart M2M, ensuring a common definition among Eurosmart members and providing relevant information like technology trends, market figures, etc. [pdf-embedder url=""] ...
This Eurosmart document reflects Eurosmart members resolution, and in particular the position of members that are smart card manufacturers, to promote the use of the ECC standardization works made at CEN. [pdf-embedder url=""]...
This White Paper presents the last developments regarding e-Driving Licences in terms of regulation and deployment at EU and international levels. [pdf-embedder url=""]...
To be successful, a Government eID smartcard program faces many trade-offs. The right combination of components for the complete use chain must be carefully selected and qualified to ensure that the card will meet the extended life requirements of Government eID cards and does not...
This document provides a list of Protection Profiles used for smart cards Common Criteria evaluations. The intent of this document is to give an updated survey of existing protection profiles certified and still in development, and not to discuss technical details on Protection Profile [pdf-embedder url=""]...
The goal of this document is to provide an overview on the cryptographic mechanisms specified today in the main smart security devices applications to compare with the recommendation of the different governmental institutions, and to provide some recommendations to the Smart Security Industry about how...
This document presents a security ranking of products based on several use cases, showing that the Smart Security Industry provides the right solutions for every use cases and adequate levels of security. [pdf-embedder url=""]...
During Eurosmart General Assembly, the New Form Factors Working Group delivered its White Paper on Smart USB Token presenting the benefits of Smart USB Token as personal and portable Smart Secure Device providing strong authentication and ease of use. [pdf-embedder url=""]...
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