Position Papers

The European Commission recently proposed a framework for a European Digital Identity. The proposed legislation amends the eIDAS Regulation and introduces the concept of European Digital Identity Wallet. The European Commission did not choose a particular technology at this stage. However, Member States will soon...

A Silicon shortage, initially hitting the automotive industry and widely covered by the media over the last months, is now spreading to consumer electronics, as more and more household goods use computer chips. First announcements have already been made by smartphone manufacturers, reporting difficulties due...

Eurosmart has long been advocating for mandatory cybersecurity certification of specific products used by Operators of Essential Services and Digital Service Providers (NIS 1), now called essential and important entities (NIS 2). Cybersecurity certification ensures that products resist a given level of cyber-attacks. Such a...

It is quite common to talk about (and lament) the EU lagging behind international competitors in the race for AI technologies. It is far less common to advocate for the creation of an AI Competence Centre in Europe. This is the ambitious stance taken by...

Recommendations for NIS 2 and the EU proposal on critical entities During the past few years, the EU discussion on critical entities has been focused on cybersecurity. There are good reasons for this: critical entities increasingly rely on digitalisation and cyber-threats are constantly on the rise. However,...

How to ensure that identity services in Europe are preserving Europe’s sovereignty? Context The European Commission will soon present a proposal for a European Digital Identity (EUid). Different options are currently envisaged. One of these options is to create a new trust service, pursuant to the eIDAS...

The European Commission recently organised a consultation on the “New Consumer Agenda” with a section dedicated to the revision of the General Product Safety Directive.  The General Product Safety Directive is a cross-sectoral legislation that lays down safety requirements for non-food consumer products -to the...

The eIDAS Regulation establishes a framework for the cross-border use of notified digital identities (eIDs). It ensures that EU citizens can access online public services with their national eID when they are in other EU countries. The legislation also creates a European internal market for...

The NIS Directive is cornerstone legislation for cybersecurity in Europe. In this framework, Member States need to ensure that Operators of Essential Services (OES), such as banks and health services, put in place appropriate security measures. In addition, OES must notify national authorities of any...