
ETSI TC ESI is currently drafting a technical specification on “Security and policy requirements for trust service components providing identity proofing for trust services subjects” (TS 119 461 V005). In this context, Eurosmart decided to draft recommendations for this document. Eurosmart gives the following recommendations: Clarify the...

Recommendations for NIS 2 and the EU proposal on critical entities During the past few years, the EU discussion on critical entities has been focused on cybersecurity. There are good reasons for this: critical entities increasingly rely on digitalisation and cyber-threats are constantly on the rise. However,...

How to ensure that identity services in Europe are preserving Europe’s sovereignty? Context The European Commission will soon present a proposal for a European Digital Identity (EUid). Different options are currently envisaged. One of these options is to create a new trust service, pursuant to the eIDAS...

Despite COVID-19, Eurosmart confirms the resilience of worldwide shipment of secure elements General disclaimer The COVID-19 crisis brought deep uncertainty to the global economy. Therefore, forecast figures at the time of publication are exceptionally uncertain.  Even if the potential impacts of the second wave remain to be...

End-to-end encryption has become widespread with numerous messaging apps and platforms adopting this encryption method. This technology provides a high level of privacy for communications between citizens, critical infrastructures, industries, and governments. Eurosmart has long advocated for the use of encryption within communications to ensure...

download the document Document Overview: This document defines a series of additional elements of the security problem definition, security objectives, and security functional requirements (SFRs), to support those architectures of Security ICs according to [1] that use an external NVM for storage. This augmentation package provides guidelines...

The European Commission recently organised a consultation on the “New Consumer Agenda” with a section dedicated to the revision of the General Product Safety Directive.  The General Product Safety Directive is a cross-sectoral legislation that lays down safety requirements for non-food consumer products -to the...

The eIDAS Regulation establishes a framework for the cross-border use of notified digital identities (eIDs). It ensures that EU citizens can access online public services with their national eID when they are in other EU countries. The legislation also creates a European internal market for...

The NIS Directive is cornerstone legislation for cybersecurity in Europe. In this framework, Member States need to ensure that Operators of Essential Services (OES), such as banks and health services, put in place appropriate security measures. In addition, OES must notify national authorities of any...